Creating inclusive learning environments

Vestre has been creating inclusive learning environments for more than 75 years. During that time, schools around the world have furnished their outdoor spaces with products made by Vestre. School playgrounds are essential social arenas, and we believe they can make a huge difference – not only for the children, but for the whole community.

Well-designed playground furniture makes a vital contribution to the creation of safe and inclusive meeting places – particularly in areas characterized by socioeconomic disparities.

Why Vestre?

Vestre offers a wide selection of furniture solutions that are tailor-made for different learning environments, meet the needs of different age groups and promote a variety of activities, ranging from learning and play to social interaction – or simply quiet contemplation. Our furniture can be powder coated in any of the over 200 RAL colors we offer, enabling you to play around with colors and create a unique visual expression. All the items of furniture we produce are intended to last. And last. They are made from locally sourced, durable materials and come with a lifetime guarantee against rust and a 15-year guarantee on their surface coating and woodwork. And with just a little maintenance from time to time, they will provide decades of enjoyment and use.

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Vestre Journal – special edition on schools and campuses


Case studies:

Product recommendations:

Structured play

Typically, school sports facilities and related equipment are utilized during gym classes for play and learning, but they may also be used by out-of-school sports teams. The products accommodate both the athletes and those watching or assisting.

Unstructured play

Multifunctional furniture that encourages unstructured play enhances children’s experiential learning and problem-solving skills. Such play fosters creativity, autonomy, and social interaction. Spaces equipped with versatile furniture and areas for imaginative exploration, like chalk zones and water play, are vital for children’s overall development.


Individual spaces are essential for children's rest, reflection, and quiet activities like reading or studying. Such spaces should be distributed across the campus, including within play areas, to provide opportunities for breaks and disengagement from playground activities. Quiet zones for individual learning or nature observation are crucial for a well-rounded educational environment.

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